When you are trying to get control of a skin problem it can sometimes be difficult to know which options to choose. There are nearly always a number of different treatment plans that can solve a problem.
The aim of SkinCompare is to give some suggestions and to point you in the direction of good quality information to help you to make treatment decisions that you are comfortable with and that get your skin as near to normal as possible. The skin condition sections contain explanations to help you to undertsand your condition in more detail.
In many parts of the UK, NHS Dermatology clinics have long waiting times. Before booking a private consultation it is useful to know what private clinics do well and when it is better to stick with the NHS. With the increasing complexity and expense of medications many treatments such as biologic drugs for psoriasis and eczema are not funded by insurers. With some medicines costing £10,000 per year per patient very few people can afford to pay themselves. See the section on private clinics to understand how to get the best from private Dermatology.
SkinCompare is edited by Dr Philip Hampton
Useful information
Sources of information
Find the patient information leaflets from the British Association of Dermatologists
The New Zealand Dermatology Society website has excellent articles on most Dermatological conditions http://www.dermnetnz.org/
Information on patch test results can be found at
SkinCompare is owned by HPD Newcastle Ltd.